
ChronoMarker™ is a revolutionary tool for streamers that helps them save time and energy in post-production by tracking their takes during recordings. With ChronoMarker, they can easily mark notable takes with a single click and add notes about the context of the take or activity. It also allows them to add links to resources mentioned in conversations.
The tool is available as both a Basic Subscriber (free) and an All Functionality Subscriber ($2.99/mo). With the Basic version, they can access all of its features but are limited to 3 markers, while with the All Functionality version, they have unlimited markers.
Using ChronoMarker™ is simple; it is an in-browser split timer and marker that conveniently sits within the browser window without obstructing any work or broadcast interface. This makes it easy for streamers to record their takes and mark them at any point during their recordings. Once marked, they can type in quick notes about the context of the take or add links to resources mentioned in their conversations which will be used as a great reference later on for post-production work or review.
Overall, ChronoMarker™ offers a huge time saver for streamers who want to quickly record valuable takes and keep track of what was said during each take.
With this tool, streamers no longer have to slog through hours of raw footage trying to figure out what was said and when – all they have to do is use ChronoMarker™’s split timer and markers to make quick notes on each take so they can access them, later on, more efficiently.